Thursday, February 4, 2010

RE: Will Obama’s Corporate Tax Breaks Create Jobs

Reference Article:

I found it very irritating when the author stated the following:
"Instead of cutting back on war spending or bank bailouts, or taxing the rich and corporations, Obama is freezing social spending, while refusing to spend money to create jobs."
This is insanely misleading and is actually a downright lie. Firstly the bank bailout was a one time act, one which he spent a lengthy time in his state of the union address saying he hated doing it - and is planning to even tax the banks to try to recoup the cost of the bailout. Secondly, I quote from his State of the union address: "Spending related to our national security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will not be affected"[1]
Obama was quite clear that the bulk of US social spending will continue. A far cry from freezing social spending.

Next, the comment: "Exports can only be increased if U.S. workers make even lower wages, since U.S. products must compete on the world market with the slave wages of China and India"
This is just retarded. Have you seriously not considered quality? no...because you're a union member/labor activist and don't care about quality. The reason Toyota destroyed you guys in Detroit is because they make a good car, not because of slave wages. Competing on the international market is a place for commodities (cheapest wins) and quality (best quality wins). I would hope my government would encourage domestic quality. The US used to be the staple country for quality and now it's losing that status, he's just trying to bring it back.

You like to shove in so casually 'thus the importance of unions'. It's because of unions that Detroit has failed and gotten billions in bailouts (which you fortuitously fail to mention), they bring companies under by bullying employers, using legislation that was once created to try to protect the worker. I'm appaled at their behaviour and find it shameful

[1]State Of the Union Address

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