Monday, February 8, 2010

RE: The US Economic Crisis: Jobs Continue to Vanish While the Media Applauds “Recovery”

You can view the article here

Man this drives me nuts.

I think the thing about unions that most upsets me, is when they negotiate a contract with a company that they must employ a certain percentage of unionized workers. This is discrimination. Last I checked unions don't fall under any affirmative action criteria. I could imagine how upset I would be if I started a job and they automatically signed me up in a union, I'd freak out. How dare they remove my right to negotiate my raises and terms of employment, as well as strip part of my wages that was actually taking away those 2 rights! If I kick ass at my job I want to be compensated for it, if I suck ass I should be penalized. Why work hard if you'll be rewarded the same as a dimwit who does nothing?

Seamous makes the claim that since the number of workers belonging to unions dropped by 771000, that this implies drop in benefits and wages overall.

You know what Seamous, that may very well be - but I would be willing to suspect that the businesses that pandered to unions (such as GM/Chrysler) had to lay off more people then their competition because their cost/worker was much too high. Those businesses couldn't weather a financial storm because they were bleeding by the wounds inflicted by the unions.

Unions have completely lost their way. They were once introduced to bring power back to the people, now they serve only to empower a select few and reward the lazy.

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