Thursday, February 4, 2010

RE: Citizen's Arrest of War Criminals Tony Blair and George W. Bush

Reference Article:

I'll start with addressing Splitting The Sky. Carrying a letter from a lawyer outlining offences is no cause to arrest anyone, it is not a subpoena from a Grand Jury, it legally binds nothing and serves no purpose except list one person's interpretation of the law (also, it would increase your credibility at least a little if the letter were referenced...its mere mention is trivial in the reader's mind except to underscore the supposed author. I ought to also mention that a former US Attorney General is by no means considered an expert in International Law, ICC judges are)

What would happen if a citizen attempted to arrest Bush? Forgetting the fact that said citizen would have to get passed the RCMP and secret service, it would be terribly embarrassing for the country resulting in said person losing their jobs and shaming their family. Personally I would say that for his efforts STS is deserving of public flogging, as are all who think up such stupidity...but you can thank the local police for being kinder then I.

What would happen if any government officer (RCMP, local/provincial police, etc...) attempted to arrest Bush? The US would have to take this as an act of war. The last country which attempted an assassination of a former US president got bombed, heavily I might add, within 24 hours. The last country to have made a gesture of war to the US is still in ruins and chaos. If any Canadian police force were to commit such an act, we would either have Ottawa bombed (if supported by the government) or be forced to kneel before the US in shame for the next 20 years (if everyone in the chain of command got fired). In either case, it would be the last time someone like you was allowed to speak publicly again. In this case, we'd have to say that people like YOU caused decreased acceptance of free speech.

Moving forward.

If South Africa declared war on the US, would you yell foul and say they're doing something illegal? No, you'd likely snicker at how destitute their fate would become (and no doubt argue at how they have such good reason for their decision). The only reason you feel apt to antagonize the US is because:
A) it has become increasingly popular to do so, and
B) you think war is about being 'fair', when by definition it is not meant to be 'fair'. 'fair' in war is used by the weaklings who need excuses for their defeat, and weaklings on the winners side who can't stomach the reality that we can't just all get along. Unfortunately, according to your rules, every country is only allowed to wage war with stronger the chagrin of the US.

IMHO, you were likely small for your age and picked on all through elementary school. You hold an eternal grudge against the tall cool bully who stuffed your head in a toilet and are using your podium as a mean of attacking every person/entity that YOU view as a bully. Get over it.

It's ignorant to say that a war should be illegal. Why? Because there is no international police.
What's the closest thing we have to international police? The United States military.
Why should the US get to play police? Doesn't matter, through the entirety of human history it is the role/luxury of the world super power to play world police.
Is that wrong? It would be morally presumptuous to say yes, you're arguing against the rights/wrongs inherent in evolution.
Does this give the US free reign to do anything it wants? Sort of, they can effectively be as evil as they want to be, so long as their actions don't cause the world to unite against them specifically causing another world war. IMO, they are much less evil then they could be, so we should consider ourselves lucky to have them as world super power.

Is the US military going to arrest Bush? They haven't yet - because HE HASN'T BEEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME.

In conclusion, I will address your following statement:
"Unlike the United States, Canada is a member of the International Criminal Court. If the government of Canada truly respected the jurisdiction and mission of this new and still untested court, it would have made sure that credibly accused war criminals George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Condoleezza Rice and other members of the Bush War Cabinet were arrested when they have touched down on Canadian soil during previous months. But given the present composition of the Canadian government, there is no chance that it will respect international criminal laws that some of its own members, including Prime Minister Stephen Harper, could and should be accused of violating."

Firstly: An international court has very little power since there is no international government, nor is there an international police. Just as local law becomes void when there is no police, so there is no real credence to international law.

Personally I am glad that I don't get arrested just because someone accused me, maybe I'm traditional but I'm a firm believer in innocence until proven guilty. You seem to have more of a grudge with the ICC. If you think there's a problem with the ICC, then rant about that - and more importantly try to do something about that issue. Quit trying to push your own hate agenda.

Unfortunately it is nonsense such as yours which are the cause of limitations on free speech. If one day we truly do live in an Orwellian society, it will be people who misused free speech such as yourself that freethinkers such as I will hold to blame.

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